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Friday 17 May 2013

How to cope with stress - Aseel's last post

Every time, the day before the exam, I spend the whole night vomiting!. When I go into the exam room, turn the paper over and read the difficult questions, suddenly my mind goes blank. This is a really horrible moment when I always feel desperate and lost, I wish I could be somewhere I didn't have to worry about the exam, somewhere far away from worries and stress!

I suffered a lot with this problem for many years, so now I'll tell you some tips in how to cope and deal with stress before the exam. First of all, don't miss any sleep!. Many studies show that the human body needs to sleep 7-8 hours a day so the body will be able to carry out all the vital functions and be ready to work hard. Once in the exam I saw my friend was very tired and she felt sleepy during the test and when the teacher asked her why, she answered that she hadn't slept at all the day before, so it affected her badly. Secondly it is important to do some physical exercises like having a break every 40 minutes while studying because scientific research has found that the brain cannot understand and receive more information after 40 minutes of studying the same subject, so the brain should take time off and to relax each part of your body, from your head to your toes. Also its important to eat three meals a day. Here's a good tip: eating nuts will lead to better concentration. As well as eating a dark chocolate or drink a cup of tea while you are studying or revising which helps to keep on taking in information and concentrating. Also be careful of drinking red bull or coffee as they are unhealthy drinks for the body. Always you have to think positive and to be optimistic. You should put in your mind “YES! I CAN DO IT” and this will encourage you to study hard.

There are also some practical tips you should follow to avoid stress before the exams. Firstly, make a timetable and keep to it, it will help you to revise your subjects in the right order. Secondly, it will be a good idea to choose a quiet, comfortable and organised place to study in, where your concentration will be stronger because no one can study in a noisy and messy place. Before starting to study, bring and prepare everything you need, the pens, the notes, the books and your brain! Also, when you start studying, try to write the main points and information in notes and summarise them to make it easier for you when you are revising them. Finally, revision is the best way to make the important points stick in your mind.

Once in the exam, my teacher told me when I feel panicky and my mind goes blank, I should take a minute to do a breathing exercise and to give myself time to calm down. After the exam is over, I have to try to forget about it and to focus on the next one. She also advised me and told me: “facing up the to worst will enable you to look at how you might cope and what you could do next!”

To sum up, everyone has different qualities and skills, so everyone can achieve at different levels. No matter what I achieve today, the important thing is what I'm going to do tomorrow.

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